2025 Pledge Form

Fill out this form and hit Submit to make a pledge to Community UCC's 2025 Annual Stewardship Campaign in support of our 2025 budget.
I will steward my natural God-given curiosity. Accept invitations. Explore new places. Get to know different people. And when the spirit within me is piqued... trust that prompting is from the Lord, and get exited to not only imagine, but experience, where I will be led during the 2025 Annual Stewardship Campaign. With this pledge I promise to pay to the best of my ability as follows:

I understand that pledges can be adjusted if financial circumstances change. I will notify the Community UCC Financial Secretary if that becomes necessary.
2025 Annual Stewardship Campaign

Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Please select all that apply.
Please select all that apply.

(*) Bank transfers can be made through the Community UCC Donations web site. You can set up recurring contributions, weekly, monthly, etc., or do a one-time contribution, for example during an online Sunday service. We encourage you not to use the credit card option; we are charged higher fees for credit card transactions than for bank transfers.

Note: Please don't use Facebook for pledge payments. We don't know who those donations come from.

This pledge form will be sent to the Community UCC Financial Secretary. If you have any questions concerning your pledge, please email financial-secretary@community-ucc.org.


Fill out this form and hit Submit to make a pledge to Community UCC's 2025 Annual Stewardship Campaign in support of our 2025 budget.